We are collecting the info. on this lake..If you would like to provide any information that would help complete the task please mail it to: webmaster@kentuckyangling.com
Greenbo Lake State Resort Park holds the pristine beauty of the Kentucky hills that inspired poet Jesse Stuart, a lifelong resident of the area. You will appreciate his visions as you visit the beautiful fieldstone lodge, spend a day on the clear waters of Greenbo Lake, or relax in front of the copper-hooded fireplace in the lodge lobby.
Notice! Greenbo will be drained 3 foot on July,9,01.. this will close the dock as far as putting in boats or renting boats. Sometime in Sept or Oct. they will draw down the lake another 30 foot to make repairs to the dam. I am posting what I feel in needed for this lake. I will also update you on the other parts of the park Lodge,Camp Grounds,Picnic Grounds,..so stay tuned I will bring you update as I get them. webmaster@kentuckyangling.com

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